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ASCENT stands for Accelerating Students through Concurrent ENrollmenT. The program extends high school for an ASCENT year at one of eleven Colorado Mountain College (CMC) campuses, Colorado Mesa University (CMU), CMU Tech, or University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS). 

The ASCENT program participants remain students of Eagle County School District for up to one school year following their 12th grade year, and Eagle County School District receives ASCENT specific per-pupil state funding that it uses to pay their college tuition at CMC, CMU, CMU Tech, or UCCS  for the fall and spring semester. The program does not pay for books, fees, or room and board expenses during the ASCENT year.

ASCENT students participate in all of their school's graduation activities, including the ceremony, with classmates at the end of their 12th grade year. However, ASCENT students receive their high school diplomas at the end of their ASCENT year with the corresponding date of the time of completion.


ASCENT Counselor
Postsecondary Learning & Career Readiness Director

The application window will close  on Friday, April 18, 2025.