Network / Internet
The ECSD Student filter blocks streaming services, social media, chat websites (except Google Chat) and non school-based email.
YODA = "Your Own Device Access"
- Site Status
- Content Filter (General)
- Content Filter - STAFF
- Content Filter - STUDENTS
- ECSD-Courtesy WiFi Network
- Ad Blocking
- Troubleshooting Devices and WiFi Connections
- Low Cost Internet Option
- New Panel
Site Status
Content Filter (General)
GoGuardian Content Filtering
As part of the Colorado Internet Safety & Digital Responsibility initiative, ECSD is required to provide a safe and secure internet environment for students to work in and learn. To maintain that type of environment, ECSD selected GoGuardian to monitor, filter, and block restricted websites on all district computers, while connected to the district network and on devices that go home with students.
Finally, YouTube and Google Safe Search are enabled by default on district devices. The Safe Search feature cannot be disabled by the students.
No filtering system is perfect. They utilize rules or patterns to look for inappropriate content in words or images online. Sometimes medical pictures, references, and dynamic content make their way through filters. Because of this, we communicate expectations around classroom management to our staff. Teachers also incorporate digital citizenship lessons into students' curriculum. However, active monitoring while communicating expectations and boundaries clearly with children is the best way to keep them safe online.
If you find a site that needs to be blocked/unblocked, for educational purposes, please fill out a help request to provide us with the site and necessary change.
Details on the various GoGuardian block pages and their meanings can be found here.
Content Filter - STAFF
Google Chrome will be the only browser enabled on all district-owned devices in Fall 2021. Consider migrating your safari or internet explorer bookmarks now. Here are Bookmark Migration Instructions.
By utilizing one browser, we can seek to mitigate compatibility issues as well as provide the highest security settings. All district software and resources have been tested and verified to work on Chrome.
Due to increased issues with cybersecurity hacks, malicious software, and data sharing laws, starting in Fall 2021, only IT specialists will have admin access to your device.
Requests for additional software beyond our approved list will need to be submitted for security review.
ECSD Filtering
Staff accounts are now filtered on and off-campus
The Acceptable Use Policy (signed by all staff members) stipulates "Use of the Network must be in support of education, research, and Eagle County School District operations and be consistent with the educational objectives of the School District."
This statement will be used to evaluate all requests for website access throughout the District. Websites used for personal reasons (banking, classifieds, house hunting, shopping, email, etc) do not directly support educational purposes.
ECSD-owned devices are managed and filtered 24/7 regardless of what network they are connected to
Personal devices are not filtered by ECSD unless they are connected to the ECSD Network OR have a Google Chrome Profile with an ECSD account signed in and synced (read more about Chrome profiles here: Google Chrome Profiles)
- On personal devices, ECSD only filters and profiles
- With profiles, you can keep all your Chrome info separate, like bookmarks, history, passwords, and other settings. Profiles are ideal for:
Sharing a computer with multiple people.
Keeping your different accounts, like work and personal, separate.
Content Filter - STUDENTS
Streaming Services
Approximately 50% of our school's total bandwidth is consumed by streaming of non-educational materials. Sites like Netflix, Hulu, HBO will be blocked for students moving forward. Access to these sites WILL still be available on teacher accounts as we fully understand you may use these websites to support your curricula. The full list of blocked sites is listed below and is evolving daily. Youtube/PBS/Educational sites with streaming will still be available.
Social Media
Social media websites do not comply with federal regulations for content filtering. We will evaluate opportunities to allow specific social media pages (school/sport/club-specific pages), but otherwise, these websites will be blocked on student accounts. We seek opportunities to engage with teachers on how best to approach this topic in the classroom. Social media will not be blocked on teacher accounts, however teachers must consider that objectionable content may pop up in sidebars even if not requested on the page.
Non School-Based Email
Email through Hotmail, Yahoo, Exchange and other websites will no longer be allowed for students. Students in grades 6-12 can still receive and send to these email addresses, but we cannot filter and observe objectionable content and cyberstalking when students use non-ECSD email accounts.
Chat Websites
Chat websites (other than Google Chat) will be blocked for students. These also include anonymous texting services. We've seen an uptick in students using adult chat websites, which is inappropriate for a school device. If you have an educational need for a specific platform (pen-pals or otherwise), please reach out to our Tech Help Desk.
Blocked Sites on Student Accounts:
Streaming Websites: Hulu, Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime, Starz, Disney Plus, Vimeo, Sports Streaming, TV streaming service providers
Social Media: Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat
Chat Websites: All except Google Meet / Google Chat
ECSD-Courtesy WiFi Network
All traffic is monitored, logged, and is treated with Quality of Service rules based on educational needs.
Once you click/tap "connect to Internet" your device will be granted access for 24 hrs at that site (You may want to check your device settings to auto join this network but will need to click/tap "connect to Internet" every 24 hrs for Internet)
Traffic allowed:
Web - Http/Https
WiFi Calling
Ad Blocking
Troubleshooting Devices and WiFi Connections
Turn on the Chromebook
Connect to WiFi
In the bottom right corner of the screen, click the time.
Select Not Connected underneath the WiFi symbol .
Your Chromebook will list available networks, including your home WiFi network.
Select your home network and connect
Select your home WiFi network. Type the WiFi password, if needed.
Select Connect.
Restart your computer or mobile device.
Try connecting to your home WiFi network again.
Ensure that you are entering the correct WiFi password.
Try connecting to another wireless network such as a coffee shop WiFi network or public library WiFi network and see if you can connect successfully.
Apple 800-275-2273
ASUS 888-678-3688
Dell 800-624-9897
Lenovo 877-453-6686
Samsung 800-726-7864