Supporting ELL Parents
Schools are required to provide information to parents in a language they can understand.
- Title VI of the Civil Rights Act (1964) & ELPA
Effective programs create a welcoming school environment for families of all language and cultural groups, where bilingualism is valued and there is a sense of belonging for all students and their families.
Eagle County School District has 4 district-level interpreter/translators that help schools to communicate effectively with families. Interpreter translators can provide:
- Interpretation for parent meetings and events
- Translation of written documents
- Phone calls home in Spanish
- Training for school bilingual staff on tools that will help them to interpret and translate effectively
Resources below show you how to request support from district interpreters.
How to Book an Interpreter
For simple parent meetings:
Create a calendar invite and invite your school's assigned interpreter (indicated in the MLE Directory). You can see if your school's interpreter is free by clicking on "Find a time."
Ensure Guest Permissions on the invite allow the interpreter to "invite others" if they are not available.
Include pertinent information in your invite:
School name
Google meet link or room number if the meeting is in person
Parent name, student name and gender
Pertinent information related to the meeting that the interpreter needs to research prior to the meeting (student gender, medical diagnosis, behavioral issue, technical terms that will be used, etc)
If district interpreters are unavailable, they will instruct you on using Language Link.
How to Work with an Interpreter
Parent meetings can be successful when the interpreter is set up for success. Please watch this video to learn how to use your interpreter effectively.
Our interpreters use this protocol to help them provide a consistent message.
Document Translation and Phone Calls Home in Spanish
District Interpreters translate documents when they are not interpreting meetings and events. We also love to make positive phone calls home!
You can request document translation or phone calls home by clicking on the Helpdesk button to the right (if you are logged into your ECSD account). This button can also be found in Rapid Identity.
New Location!
Parent-Teacher Conference Interpreters
Would you like to be a substitute interpreter at a school other than your own during parent-teacher conferences?
You must first take the Basic Interpreter Training.
Please fill out this form to sign up for the Training or to provide your contact information to become a substitute interpreter.
Are you looking for an interpreter for your parent teacher conference?
Click on the button below and follow the instructions on the first page. *Note: this button only functions during parent-teacher conference scheduling times.
.Book an Interpreter for your PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCE