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Health Services

Good health is essential to optimal learning.

Health Services are available to all Eagle County School District students. Registered Nurses and Health Assistants strive to ensure each student's potential is maximized by removing health-related barriers to learning. 

Our schools are staffed with Health Assistants who work in conjunction with a Registered Nurse. The health assistant is trained by the school nurse and is on campus each day to be available to students and staff. The registered nurse is on campus when needed, and available by phone and email.

Health Care Plans

Health Care Plans (HCPs) are required for any student with an identified health concern and need to be updated annually. If your child needs a HCP, or you're not sure if they need one, please contact your school's health office. Plans are valid for one calendar year and they require a provider's signature, a parent's signature, and the district nurse's signature.

If you wish to decline a Health Care Plan be on file for your student, a Health Care Plan Declination Form (also available in Spanish) needs to be completed annually and can be found in your school's health office. 

Students grades 6-12th who are on a HCP and are taking medications are able to carry their own medication only if the provider indicates they are capable on the HCP and the self-carry form is completed.

If the required forms are not completed, then the Health Office will be unable to administer your child's medication.

The school's health office is often your first line of contact for any medical issue, surgery, condition, medication, or emergency that affects your child while attending school. Should an injury occur while your child is at school, minor injuries (including, cuts, scrapes, bumps, etc.) will be treated at school. You will be notified of any injuries requiring more attention.


Michelle Wenkheimer,
Director of Health Services

Ashley Gleiss

Hailey Rushing

Stephanie Wynne

Audrey McNeely

Janet Welsh
Nurse (ECE)

Raquel Figuerora Valdez 
Administrative Support Specialist

Additional Information

Health Offices no longer keep any “stock” medications per district policy
Therefore, any medication you child needs during the school day will need to be sent from home and a Medication Authorization Form will need completed by their medical provider. Medications need to be in the original, labeled container and delivered to the health office by a parent or responsible adult.  Unlabeled baggies will not be accepted.  The health office can provide you with our district guidelines on bringing a medication to school if you need more information.

Any medication on school grounds requires a completed Medication Authorization Form, including all over-the-counter medications such as Advil, Tylenol, cough drops, etc. This form is required whether medication is to be kept in the Health Office or carried by student. If student carries any medication, a Self-Carry Form must also be completed.

Emergency Medication (such as epi-pens or inhalers)
Inhalers and epi-pens need to have prescription labels on the medication. Please send in box with prescription label or ask your pharmacist to print a second label for the actual medication. If your child has a Self-Carry Contract for any emergency medication, then the Health Office requests a duplicate medication be kept in the Health Office, with all the correct paperwork as a backup.

Controlled Substances
Controlled substances are allowed in school ONLY if kept in the Health Office, with all of the correct paperwork. No student will have "self-carry" permission for any controlled substance. This includes all ADD/ADHD medications, anxiety medications, and pain medications. Controlled substances should be brought into the Health Office and picked up from the Health Office by a parent or guardian.

Immunizations are reviewed routinely by the health office. If your child is due for any immunization, you will receive a notification and you will have two weeks to receive the vaccines needed or provide appointment information/details of when the vaccines are to be completed. If there’s an exemption to any vaccine for a non-medical/personal reason, a form must be filled out yearly, prior to the new school year. Medical exemptions need to be signed by a provider and don’t need to be repeated yearly. Please refer to the Colorado Immunization K-12 Guidelines.

Head Injuries/Suspected Concussion
You will be notified and recommended to take to your student to a provider for evaluation in the event of a head injury. Written documentation from the provider is required, including diagnosis, follow up schedule, and a clearance letter if a significant head injury is diagnosed. These documents are necessary for our staff to provide proper accommodations at school and keep your student safe. Students will NOT be allowed to return to PE/physical activities without a provider’s clearance (or in the case of student athletes, clearance from our athletic trainer). Please submit any medical related information to the Health Office. We will then distribute to the pertinent personnel at the school. Do not ask your student to present notes/letters to teachers, as this will not be disseminated in the same fashion. It is necessary for the Health Office to be notified.

Medications/End of Year
You will be reminded by the Health Office at the end of each school year to please pick up all medications for your student. All medications not picked-up by the last day of school are disposed of by the Health Office.