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Staff Standards-Based Grading Resources

Cover image for ECSD Standards-Based Grading staff handbook.


Grading in Eagle County School District dignifies our students by telling them exactly where they are academically and what they need to be successful. Our practices promote the most aspirational thinking of what our students are capable of as learners, regardless of their race, first language, family’s income, or their previous educational experiences.

Eagle County School District prioritizes developing an accurate and aligned grading system to provide timely, productive feedback. By school year 2024-25, we will reach a district-wide standards-based learning and assessment system where grades are accurate, consistent, and support learning by clearly communicating a student’s proficiency of academic content. 

Eagle County School District staff members can access the ECSD Staff Member Standards-Based Grading Handbook here.


Our grading efforts are rooted in our dedication to equitable access, opportunities, and success for all our students. Traditional grading practices often punish students for behaviors and factors beyond their control. Grades based on academic proficiency in a standards-based model more fairly reflect student achievement.

In this system, students are not punished for mistakes during the learning process. With an emphasis on continual improvement through clear feedback and a culture of revision, students gain hope and motivation to be as successful as possible. Student ownership of learning increases as the instructional focus shifts from attaining a grade to learning relevant concepts and skills. These practices strengthen student-teacher partnerships through building trust and a shared mission, which is foundational to a safe, respectful learning environment.

“Standards-based grading is a method of assigning grades that ties student achievement to specific topics within each subject area. It allows teachers, students, and parents to clearly communicate about specific areas of strength and need. Ultimately, standards-based grading gives a clear and concise answer to the student’s question, ‘What do I need to do to improve?’” – Robert Marzano

It will take time for us to shift away from traditional notions of grading. Some examples of evolved language include: 



  Earning points




  “What grade did I get?”

  “What did I learn?”

  Get good grades

  Master Grade Level Content

  “This is incorrect”

  “Try another way.”


Eagle County School District is committed to designing assessments aligned to a robust curriculum, providing high quality instruction and opportunities for students to revise based on timely feedback, and transparent reporting of progress for students and parents.

Five Principles of Grading

PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook

Teacher Gradebook Guides


Accessing Information in the Gradebook (Parents/Guardians/Students)

We recommend that students/families access grades by going to the full website (, which can be accessed on a computer OR mobile device by using any browser app (Safari, Chrome, etc).  There is a mobile app, but it has limited information.  Please use the guides below to navigate the PowerSchool website. 

Video Tutorials