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Elementary Report Card

You may have noticed a few changes on the report card for Elementary Students this year. As we begin the transition to Standards Based Grading, the report card required some adjustments. Please review the information below to gain a better understanding of the information included on your Fall 2022 semester report card. All student scores are entered into an application called PowerSchool.

Interested in setting up a parent/guardian account? Click the button below. After setting up your account, you will go to and log in with the username and password that YOU CHOSE during the setup process.

 Directions for Families To Access PowerSchool

Essential Skills

ES.1 - Communicator: Communicates experiences, ideas, information, and feelings effectively through verbal and non-verbal language, media, art, and data, as well as listening to others’ experiences, ideas, and feelings. Communicators use literacy, numeracy, and computational thinking skills to interpret and create new understanding from spoken language and writing, and from a wide variety of visual representations and media.

ES.2 - Problem Solver: Generates, evaluates, and implements solutions to problems. A capable decision-maker can identify alternatives, think computationally, and weigh trade-offs to make well-reasoned decisions and solutions individually or in collaboration with others

ES.3 - Community Member: Demonstrates concern for the welfare of others, for cultural resources, and for the natural world. Community members are respectful and inclusive, consider multiple perspectives, and honor others regardless of differences.

ES.4 - Empowered Individual: Empowered to make a difference by understanding strengths and limitations, acting on curiosity, taking leadership roles, demonstrating respect and responsibility, taking informed risks, and persisting in the face of challenges.

If you would like to know more about Colorado's Essential Skills and/or the Colorado Academic Standards, please use the buttons below. 

Colorado Academic Standards   

Colorado Essential Skills

Grade Scale

Spanish Grade Scale

Want to learn more about the shift to Standards Based Grading or SBG? Check out the links below!

SBG VIdeo Series    Family SBG Information