In an effort to meet the childcare and early childhood education needs of Eagle County, we share contact information for other local providers.
Early Childhood Education
The Eagle County School District Early Childhood Program is a blended, center-based program that includes Head Start, Colorado Universal Preschool, Early Childhood Special Education, and traditional preschool programming. Recognizing the importance of early childhood experiences on school success, ECSD continues to take an active role in fully integrating early childhood programs into the district.
The Early Childhood Program values small class sizes, low teacher-child ratios, individualized programs, and building collaborative partnerships with families. We help our children develop the skills they need to be ready to start their elementary education based on the Early Learning and Developmental Guidelines.
Our Early Childhood Education Department is based out of the Edwards Early Learning Center.
Visit them at 1121 Miller Ranch Road in Edwards.
Beginning in the 2023-2024 school year, families in Colorado can receive at least 15 hours per week of free, voluntary preschool for 4 year old’s through the Universal Preschool (UPK) Colorado program. UPK Colorado is administered by the newly-created Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC). Apply Here
Eagle County School District and Early Childhood Partners serve as our district's Local Coordinating Organization (LCO).
Contact Information