Strategic Plan
Our strategic plan is research-based and has been developed with input from community stakeholders. Eagle County School District continues to make progress in developing implementing and evolving our strategic plan. Processes and practices have been established and budgeting has been prioritized against strategic goals.
This plan is a starting point from which we make continuous decisions in response to conditions. No amount of written direction can encompass the highly complicated process of education children. We rely on our staff and their creative, conceptual, and rational abilities, along with the direct application of their education, experience, and judgment to activate this plan. We trust teachers to motivate and reach each student.
For lasting improvement across our district, each school must identify its unique culture along with the necessary changes in practice to provide the most significant impact for their students, parents, and staff. The School Improvement Plan serves as the annual guide for schools to achieve their goals. The district must respect and support those plans to provide an environment for success.
With our diverse student population, it is essential to provide culturally inclusive, respectful, and supportive learning environments. By enhancing our cultural competence and connecting with the hearts of our students first, we believe their minds will be more open to engaging in the academic work necessary to graduate with global-ready skills.
For the next three years, we are focused on Wellness, Engagement, and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS).
Strategic Plan Goals by Roles
In safe environments, we teach the children of Eagle County to have creative and active minds, compassion for others, enthusiasm for lifelong learning, and the courage to act on their dreams.
Global-Ready Graduates
• Engaged Learners
• Inspired Professionals
• A Commitment to Equity
• A Sense of Adventure
• A Caring Community
Progress Made
Eagle County School District leads Colorado in mental health support, career readiness, early college access, and affordable housing. ECSD partners with Your Hope Center to position 17 mental health therapists in ECSD schools to provide intensive mental health support for students. ECSD implements universal mental health screenings, and district-wide social/emotional learning. CareerX and CareerWise combine to provide our students with one of Colorado’s most productive job-shadow, internship, and apprenticeship programs. ECSD has more dual language schools than any district in the state, producing many graduates who earn the “Seal of Biliteracy”. The district has made great strides in affordable housing, opening 37 rental units in Edwards, constructed without raising taxes, and 16 for-purchase units in Eagle. ECSD also has developed one of Colorado’s most robust early college access programs. ECSD students earn over 7,000 college credit annually, while still enrolled as high school students, equivalent to $10M in college tuition.
Weather changes. Trails close. This plan is a starting point from which we make continuous decisions in response to conditions. Just like teaching a lesson plan, this plan is not a static mandate.