Standard Response Protocol
Eagle County School District uses the Standard Response Protocol for emergency response. School leaders are National Incident Management System (NIMS) certified to ensure proper response and cooperation with First Responders.
In the event of an emergency
Parents will be notified via our Brightarrow notification system. This pulls phones, emails, and cell phones from our student information system (PowerSchool) and alerts parents through this contact information. Unless asked to do so, DO NOT go to your child's school. This can slow and hinder emergency response. A reunification plan will be announced. Avoid excessive cell phone use and texting, which can crash networks.
Here's what happens: 911 is called or an alarm instantly alerts first responders. Teachers and students take action. Responders arrive on site within minutes and breach the building. Threats are eliminated. First aid is administered and any injured are transported. Parents are reunited with children.
In the event of an emergency, we understand everyone will be upset and want to put hands on and around their children as soon as possible. We want the same thing. But, in the midst of chaos, we have to account for every child, keep them safe, and carefully release them into the custody of their correct parents. No effort will be spared to keep the community's children safe.
First Responders
Every school has on-duty law enforcement officers assigned to the school for emergency response, and response times are very fast. Down valley, we have a School Resource Officer whose home base is Eagle Valley High School, but they also patrol all schools in Gypsum. Up valley we have School Resource Officers based out of Battle Mountain High School and Homestake Peak School that also service the surrounding schools. The Towns of Vail, Eagle and Avon also have School Resource Officers that cover the schools in their jurisdictions.
The Eagle County School District has recently hired a Director of Safety and Security that is constantly evaluating the district's safety and security posture. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out via email at
Superintendent Qualman's Message to Families 9-11-24
Superintendent Qualman's Message to Families 9-11-24(Spanish)
Contact Information
Informative PDF Reference Files
- Emergency Response Poster
- Emergency Response Poster(SPA)
- Lockdown Drill Guidance
- Lockdown Drill Guidance(SPA)