Employee Housing Guidelines
For many years, Eagle County School District (ECSD) employees have identified housing as one of the biggest challenges to living and working in Eagle County. ECSD created an Employee Housing Master Plan which outlines a 10-year road map for the district’s employee housing efforts. The Plan includes goals, guiding principles, priority programs and projects, potential for funding and partnerships, and year by year measures of progress. It also provides a broad framework to guide housing work and is anticipated to be revised and refined over time.
The Employee Housing Procedures are set with a focus on recruitment and retention of high-quality employees. The district recognizes housing as an extension of service to live here, to be viable, and keep employee families local and promote the desire to stay long term. Procedures are set with a focus on housing being attainable, accessible, and affordable in comparison to the limited inventory and pricing that exists in our current environment.
General Conditions
Eagle County School District owns a variety of properties for the sole purpose of attracting and retaining high-quality staff through the availability of rental properties. These properties will be available for rent to district employees according to the guidelines provided herein, provided the employee(s) meet the eligibility requirements and abide by the restrictions established by these guidelines and procedures.
The terms of these guidelines are not exhaustive. The district may lease the properties for such rental amounts and upon such terms and conditions as may be deemed necessary or advisable by the Board of Education. This is intended only to establish a recommended procedure for leasing the properties and shall not create a property interest or other legally enforceable right in any individual to lease or occupy the properties. The district expects employees to comply with all regulations in the spirit in which they were intended.
Eagle County School District (the district) will use available employee housing to best serve the district and strive to balance the need for recruitment and retention.
- Kelsea Christiansen, ECEA Representative
- Suzanne Michlitsch, ECEA Representative
- Carrie Ridgers, ECEA Representative
- Charlotte Nestor, Facilities Office Manager/District Employee Housing Coordinator
- Jessica Martinez, Director of Multilingual Education
- Adele Wilson, Chief Human Resources Officer
- Sandra Farrell, Chief Operating Officer
- Britnee Heflin, Transportation Routing Specialist
- Jennifer Martinez, Principal, Red Hill Elementary School
- Dana Harrison, AES Principal
- Veronica Belgodere Borri, EELC Director of Early Childhood
- Joseph Reen, Executive Director of Facilities
- Elizabeth Castro-Esquibel, BMHS Office Manager
Occupancy guidelines: No more than two people (aged 3 and up) will be permitted per bedroom at the time of lease signing.
Unit choice:
Eligible employees will have an option to apply for occupancy as:
Eligible employee
Eligible employee plus dependents
Eligible employee plus other eligible employees as roommates
Verification of Qualified Household Size: The total number of persons in a household, including eligible adults and qualifying dependents, are counted in determining the unit size for which applicants may qualify. The priority is a minimum of one qualified employee or dependent per bedroom.
For example:
Two eligible employees would qualify for a 1- or 2-bedroom apartment.
Three eligible employees would qualify for a 2- or 3-bedroom apartment.
An eligible employee married to a non-qualified adult would qualify for a 1-bedroom apartment.
Two eligible employees with two qualified children would qualify for a 2- or 3-bedroom apartment.
An eligible employee with 2 children over age five would qualify for a 2- or 3-bedroom apartment. However, if one or both children were under the age of 3, they would qualify for a 1-, 2- or 3-bedroom apartment.
Qualification Process
Aiming to be as equitable as possible, while balancing the needs of the district and its employees, housing will be allocated via an application process. The allocation of units and terms below are established as a guideline which will be reviewed by the housing committee on an annual basis.
New hires - 20 of 46 units
After 3 years, you can apply to “all other employees” category in the annual application process.
All other employees - 26 of 46 units with the option to renew annually for up to a maximum of 5 years.
Employees of the District will be notified of available units and the process to apply as soon as possible through district-wide communication as well as the internal employee classifieds.
When a large number of district-owned units become available at one time, the district will hold a lottery.
If an employee is interested in employee housing they must complete the ECSD Housing Interest Form to be contacted when units become available. The employee must complete the form every 90 days to remain on the Housing Interest Form list.
The employee will be contacted based on the date and time stamp the form was completed and based on their matching qualifications on their housing interest form. The employee will have 5 business days (Monday-Friday) to respond and sign a lease for the unit or the District Housing Coordinator will contact the employee next on the list.
If the employee is not able to take the option for the unit, the employee will maintain their place on the list until they need to complete the Housing Interest Form after the 90 days have expired.
Changes & Updates to Guidelines
The district will review these guidelines annually and may make appropriate changes. Renters will be subject to changes in guidelines at the time of lease renewal.
Interpretation of Guidelines
Certain aspects of eligibility qualification criteria established in the guidelines may be subject to interpretation. In these cases, the Superintendent or his/her designee shall make the final determination as to interpretation.
Other Lease Considerations
- Lessee shall be responsible for the upkeep and general maintenance of the property and shall pay the established rental rates and be subject to other obligations as provided in a lease to be executed between the parties.
- Depending upon location, the district may be responsible for repairs beyond general maintenance, provided that such repairs are not required because of an intentional or negligent act or omission by one of the occupants or their licensees, invitees, or guests.
- Leases will be subject to other lease terms that may not be stated in this document.
- Applicant(s) - person or group of persons applying for a rental unit.
- Full time employee - district employment is defined as 30 hours or more per week.
- Part time employee - district employment defined as 20-29 hours per week.
- Qualified employee - an individual who works for the school district and meets the eligibility
- requirements.
- Qualified dependent - a qualified dependent is a dependent who lives with the qualified adult a
- minimum of 100 days per year as demonstrated by court documents or a notarized custody affidavit.
- Children who are in custody of a parent, are considered qualified dependents regardless of the percent
- of custody. If at the time of the application the qualified adult is expecting the birth of a child, the
- unborn child can be counted as a dependent upon receipt of a letter from a doctor stating the due date.
- Examples: Special needs adult child
- Non-qualified adult - an individual who does not meet the eligibility requirements.