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Board of Education

Watch the February 12, 2025 Board of Education Regular Meeting

The next regular meeting of the Board of Education is:

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.

Find the meeting agenda on Diligent Community. Meeting agendas go live on the Friday before the meeting and minutes are available on the Friday after the meeting.

Notice to the Public: The public is welcome to attend ECSD Board of Education meetings in-person. Board of Education meetings are typically held at Red Canyon High School – West Campus at 395 McGregor Drive in Gypsum, but locations may vary. Confirm the location listed at the top of each board meeting agenda. Visit Diligent Community (which replaced BoardDocs) to view meeting agendas and presentations.

In order to address the Board, persons must turn in a blue “Request to Address the Board” card to the Secretary of the Board before the meeting begins. The speaking order will be determined by random selection of the blue cards. Speakers who are not present when their name is called will lose their speaker spot, but will have the opportunity to speak after the next speaker has presented. If they are not present for their second opportunity, they can speak after all other cards have been drawn, as long as time permits. Speaker cards collected after the meeting begins will be kept in a separate pile and drawn only after all the cards collected at the beginning of the meeting have been drawn, and only as time permits.

Public participation is limited to three minutes per individual. If you are part of a large group, please appoint one spokesperson to respect everyone’s time. The Board will not engage in a discussion, attempt to validate the truth or accuracy of any statement, nor provide an immediate response to the input. Instead, the Board can benefit from hearing the input and determining the required follow-up action. This could include a future discussion, work session, or additional research, followed by an official response. A total of 60 minutes is set aside for all comments.